Thursday, June 21, 2012

Incest and the Traumagenic house

--University Of Phoenix of Incest and the Traumagenic house--

Incest and the Traumagenic house

What a horrifically tantalizing perceive for a house to deal with! person who is loved in a house has violated person else within the house and now the consequences of incest are descending which adds weight to an already over-stressed house system. Many families that perceive incest already have behaviors that interfere with or interrupt general social, emotional, psychological and bodily development. This traumagenic house structure increases the likelihood that taboos and community appropriate boundaries may be violated. This is not to say that all incest occurs in a multigenerational pattern of traumatic dysfunction, only that it is more common and frequent in these house structures.

Incest and the Traumagenic house

Traumagenic families are those families that have an intergenerational pattern of poor potential emotional attachments with high degrees of disagreement and boundary violations. Where the needs, wants and desires of the adults tend to supersede the welfare of the house as a whole. An example might be the house where a parent or both parents are abusing or addicted to substances. Those times when the parents are not under the influence of alcohol or some other substance may find them to be much more predictable. Unfortunately, many times this dynamic becomes a concretized into the house culture and then a multigenerational pattern of this dynamic may get transferred from one generation to another. This intergenerational transmission of a dysfunctional dynamic can act as a stressor to children and be linked to the emergence of developmental trauma.

Dr. Jeffery Young has laid out a law to explain the distortions created in a house this intergenerational transmission is active. Incest is just one possible qoute that can emerge as a ensue of these destructive house patterns. The following text offers a possible explanation to how this dynamic contributes to the emergence of incest and how it becomes a house dynamic that is often handed down in a family.

One of the emotional impacts of being raised in a traumagenic house is a pervasive feeling and perception that one is being repeatedly abandoned, left alone to fend for one's self, and being repeatedly adrift in sporadic stability. This can lead to house members who have weak connections or attachments, feeling vulnerable and weak, and a strong emotional reactivity. This feeling of abandonment generates fear based drives for connection and puts a child at risk for being seduced into sexual perceive in an attempt to meet unmet attachment needs on the part of the child.

Relationships can be characterized as lacking a consistent potential of trust in critical others. Partially this lacking of trust is due to instability in the house dynamic, but it can also be that proper models of trust have not be used in the house and there has been miniature if any valid trust filled relations within the child's experience. Those trusting relationships that are gift tend to be conditional and also wish critical monitoring which can be linked to hyper-vigilance in house members. Fractured and inconsistent trust, increases tension and anxiety in house members and can be linked to increased disagreement and poor qoute solving. Having an inconsistent trust structure in the house also means that at times children trust the intentions of house in ways that are inappropriate and put them at risk. In one such case a young woman reported that she remembers being molested by an older brother who was 10 years her senior, from the age o f three until eight. She didn't like what was happening, but he was her brother and he was all the time being abused by their father and she felt she should keep his hidden so he didn't get treated worse. This is an example of an inappropriate trust within a family, and a misplaced loyalty.

Emotional deprivation is someone else common element in the manifestation of incest within a family. Emotional deprivation is common when the concentration of the caregiver is focused away from the immediate welfare of the children or family. An example of this might well be the addict, that put's their need for a drink or a substance above the welfare or emotional needs of their house members. someone else posture of this dynamic is the caregiver or parent that engages in sexual behavior with a child to meet their needs for sexual gratification and attachment. This often creates emotional damages such as poor self worth and a sense of being soiled, damaged and unworthy of being lovable, primarily because in the egocentric mind of a child if the parent ignores the child's wants and security then the child can't be that important, lovable, or worthwhile. It is quite common for incest victims to form an attitude or reliance that they are defective, and be ashamed because they are inferior and unworthy of love and concentration that isn't sexual in nature. Sometimes this leads house members to form insecurities of many types and varieties, being self-conscious and shy and a feeling that their own wants and desires are somehow unworthy and illegitimate.

Finally, a important response to this house dynamic is a seclusion or isolation from others, especially house members. If left unchecked a sense of paranoia and expectation that other habitancy will take advantage or intentional inflict hurt if they have the chance can become prevalent. This commonly creates a binary response in the child as they mature, one response is to find and use mechanisms to originate distance and security and the other is an increase in promiscuity and acting out in sexually tantalizing ways.

Community behavioral health settings have a very high representation of incest as a contributing factor in treatment of children, though it is seldom the qoute that the child presents with. One might say there is also an emerging awareness that a tremendous amount of their clients are incest survivors. There are studies that have estimated that 37.5 percent of all non-schizophrenic girls and nearby 8 percent of the boys that receive behavioral health services have been incestuously victimized.

The price-tag of these incestuous experiences is very high with in the house and the lives of the individual victim. Many symptoms and behaviors are linked with the perceive of incest. The following is a short list of the most prevalent and pervasive problems faced by the victims.

low self-esteem; anxiety disorders and persisting depression; eating disorders; drug and alcohol abuse; borderline and narcissistic personality disorder; sexual dysfunction; abusive marital relationships where the pattern is often repeated Incestuous relations in the house of creation. Interpersonal (ability to enter and verbalize satisfying intimate relationships is lacking) Cognitive - increases in compulsive thoughts, ruminations, and view loops that are self-destructive and self-defeating emotional (difficulty managing and regulating emotions, challenges in emotion recognition and utilization of emotions in effective ways)

Incest as a house dynamic creates fear of abandonment and security as well as bringing into examine if one isn't somehow fundamentally flawed. Traumagenic house members that have dealt with incest many times examine that they lack the potential to allow critical others, especially time to come partners, to sustain or give to them. This rigidity creates an practically compulsive caretaking role in the connection or a constant arrival avoidance dynamic that allows them to originate and verbalize emotional distance. The repercussions of incestuous behavior in a house may well be felt for generations, and precisely will bear a relational weight on all time to come relationships for the victim.

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