Thursday, July 5, 2012

conflict Resolution Strategies in the Workforce

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conflict Resolution Strategies in the Workforce

Conflict in the work environment is inevitable. When two or more population have to work together and concentrate ideas, the doorway of conflict is ever open. The goal is to learn how to use conflict as a tool that can advantage the whole, rather than destroy it and the idea of concern. A team must have a coarse goal of success (Temme and Katzel, 1995). Any strategies have proven to be useful tools when resolving these destructive conflicts.

conflict Resolution Strategies in the Workforce

Conflict is defined as a divergence or disharmony that occurs in groups when differences with regard to ideas, methods, and members (Wisinski, 1993), are expressed. These differences, however, do not have to effect in a negative outcome. Used properly, the group can become closer and more aware of each other's differences. With respect for one another, the group can concentrate ideas and be more successful in the end.

Administration is finally responsible for recognizing a conflict, instilling conflict resolution strategies, and for development sure these strategies are executed successfully. In order for a school administration for example, to perform this goal, it needs to be aware of the types of conflict: constructive and deconstructive. Constructive conflict is useful to teams. This style focuses on the issue while continuing to keep respect for other teammates. Teammates will exhibit flexibility, supportiveness, and cooperation among each other. Commitment to success for the team is apparent. Deconstructive conflict, on the other hand, exhibits selfish behaviors of personal attacks, insults, and defensiveness. No flexibility is present within the team, and competition in the middle of the teammates is high. Avoidance of conflict is inescapable (Uop, 2004)

Many surface influences may cause or add to conflict. Microscopic resources (Uop, 2004) can cause stress in the middle of coworkers. If a teacher is worried about the lack of resources for his or her students, for example, he or she may demonstrate a high level of stress. This, in return, may influence any Microscopic conflict shared with other faculty. Differences in goals and objectives (Uop, 2004) cause tension in the middle of staff as well. For example, one teacher's focus may be on sports and recreational equipment, while other is more dedicated to academics and updated texts. This divergence of goals for the students may cause extra tension and conflict in the middle of staff.
Miscommunication (Uop, 2004) may cause conflict in the middle of staff. Two teachers with the same goal may not explain their points clearly to one another. If messages are not clear, confrontation and conflict will more-than-likely be the outcome. Teachers who share different attitudes, values, and perceptions (Uop, 2004) open the door for conflict. Similar to teachers with differing goals, attitudes, goals, and perceptions that differ cause weighty stress for the entire faculty and staff. Lastly, personality clashes (Uop, 2004) are probably the most coarse issue in the middle of a group, and perhaps the most absolutely to overcome. If dealt with on a mature, adult mentality, personality differences should not influence one's work environment or the group's goals. Lack of training, lack of accountability, and favoritism by administration (First Line, 2007) can also cause conflict. Teachers and school other faculty need to keep the most foremost aspect of their work (the children) in focus. As adults, they are responsible for their own actions and behaviors.

The capability to identify the type of conflict allows administration to direct the conflict accordingly with the goal of a inescapable outcome, rather than spiraling into destruction. After recognizing the type of conflict, administration (or administration) can select from three different resolution methods: the "4 R's" method, the A E I O U method, and the Negotiation method.

First, the "4 R's" formula (Uop, 2004) stands for: Reason- The leader is responsible for seeing out if the feelings with regard to the conflict are expressed differently within the team. One must also pinpoint any personal situations present in the middle of the staff. Finally, the leader must explain if the team is aware of her stand; Reaction- The leader is responsible to rate how the group is reacting to one another. One should resolve if the conflict is constructive or destructive. Once determined, the leader is to resolve if the conflict can be transformed into constructive conflict, if destructive originally; Results-Leaders now should explain the consequences of this conflict. The entire team, including the leader, needs to resolve whether the conflict is serious enough to influence the goal or outcome; Resolution- Finally, the entire team is to discuss all inherent methods that will sustain in achieving a successful resolution, and which one is best. The "4 R's" formula takes teams straight through a resolution process, step-by-step. This style assists in the estimate of the situation, and gives assistance in redirecting the conflict to a inescapable outcome.

Second, the A E I O U model (Wisinski, 1993) stands for: A- Assume others "mean well; E- Express one's feelings; I- identify what you would like to happen; O- Outcomes you expect are made clear to the group" (Uop, 2004); U- understanding by the group is on a mature level. This model communicates one's concerns to the group clearly. Suggestions of alternative methods are expressed to the group in a non-confrontational manner. By holding a calm attitude, the administration is telling the group that it wants the group to be successful.

Thirdly, the Negotiation formula (Uop, 2004) focuses on a compromising attitude. Separating each person from the qoute allows each teammate to focus on the group's interest rather than their personal positions. This technique creates opening for a variety of inherent solutions to be reached. The leader is responsible to express the significance of an objective outlook when choosing a solution. straight through the negotiating technique, everyone knows the problem, and the goal, and everyone is willing put his personal feelings aside to reach that mutual goal (Krivis, 2006).

Another type of strategy known as the Norms formula helps the administrator, or leader, stay objective while dealing with a conflict in the work environment. Norms stands for (Huber, 2007): N-Not biased or personal interpretation; O-Observable, situation is seen and touched or experienced by staff; R-Reliable, two or more population agree on what took place; M-Measurable, parameters of conflict can be fine and measured; S-Specifics are not subjective, but objective and non-confrontational. By following the Norms, one can seek the situation with an objective outlook. Therefore, he or she can sustain the team with the conflict with the proper focus of bringing the team together and resolving the conflict as well as benefiting from the experience.
Each formula promotes a kindly environment that welcomes different ideas. The differences can finally advantage the whole group as well as the task or situation at hand. Temme and Katzel state, "For a teambuilding attempt to work... administration must be sincere in its resolve to see to see the teambuilding process through." (Calling a team a team, 1995).

As an administrator, or leader, one is responsible to direct the team towards cohesion and compatibility. This goal can be achieved while a conflict by representing each team member equally, recognizing the problem, listening to each concern with an equal level of significance and respect. In order to reach an business transaction and collaborative goal, each teammate, or employee, is to respect others for his or her different opinions and objectives, but keep an open mind as well. Conflicts can be useful to a team, as it brings new ideas and outlooks to the table. Clear communication and an open mind can turn a conflict into a advantage rather than a burden.

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