Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Strategy of Leadership is Thinking, Vision, and Planning - The future Depends On It

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Grammar speaks of events occurring in three plains. The past was, the future will happen, and we live now, the present. However, operating in the data age, the age of instant global communication, makes the future now. Gates [1] wrote we are citizens of an data society. He noted that past generations, and past societies found ways to accumulate information, get more work done, increase life spans, and enhance their standards of living. Time was not as necessary in those past ages. A message from a ruler may take months to arrive by sea courier. The Pony Express was six days. Airmail was cross-country overnight. The time span between conception and operation are virtually unidentifiable today. Although leaders rely on communal knowledge sharing, leaders who engage in strategic thinking, imagining events as happening rather than will happen, allows them to view the present as their personal and organizational future.

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How is The Strategy of Leadership is Thinking, Vision, and Planning - The future Depends On It

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This paper considers how leading strategic reasoning is for leaders who want to shape their future and the future of their environment. Strategic reasoning is the beginning point for creating vision. Former planning gives way to flexible organizational structures that change “on the fly.”

Strategy in past generations allowed leaders time for thinking, sensing a vision, clarifying the vision, articulating it to begin considering operation plans. Accepting that the future is no longer an event to happen later, this paper explores how leaders think, envision, articulate, and plan. How do leaders continue to use strategy to their benefit in a rapidly changing global environment? The rejoinder is in the age of possibilities [2]. Today, as never before we are free from Former bonds of work, we are free to select our futures as well as shape them to suit our own desires and needs.

This age is an extension of Gates’ data society. We have the capability to select our reality in a way that never before existed. In the past, a baker’s son became a baker. However, many leaders of the past came from unexpected places. The Biblical King David was the young son tending sheep (1 Samuel 16:11) and Jesus was just the carpenter’s son whose mum we know (Matthew 13:55) [3]. Truman had leadership thrust upon him. These population saw a point on the horizon but events changes their vision. The age of possibilities allows us to rewrite our future as events dictate.

Accepting that we can change as events dictate suggests that there is a less linear structure in this image and a more chaotic non-linear structure. Sanders [4] describes an organizational structure as a known introductory health but the future appears random. Using the model of the “Lorenz Attractor,” she presents a view of interacting and interrelated parts that appear disorderly until a closer inspection reveals the spiraling order underground in the model. The Gates’ data community and the Taylor and Wacker age of possibilities do not depend on a linear progression of conception and operation and Sanders holds the non-linear nature of the new science of strategic reasoning allows us to understand natural order on its own terms.


Does strategy have some mythical or mystical property? Leaders and leadership use the word in many contexts, maybe not categorically acknowledging what strategy is. Therefore, a simple working definition of strategy for this paper is the deliberate means of attaining an outcome, being visionary.

Mintzberg, et al [5] explains that strategies inevitably have advantages and disadvantages. The benefit of setting direction is charting a course; however, the disadvantage is narrowing vision, hiding dangers. The benefit of focusing effort is coordination of activity; however, the disadvantage is groupthink. Having a definition of the assosication provides understanding of the organization; however, the definition may hide the complexity of the supporting systems. Having a strategy that provides consistency establishes order in a way that reduces ambiguity; however, creative groups appear to control with little or no consistency.

Strategy involves paradoxes as the above paragraph suggests. One paradox tells us the story of answers and questions, once you think you have all the answers, person changes all the questions. Taylor and Wacker state this paradox as, “The more you are right, the more wrong you will be.” This contradiction confuses the reader, if you are right, how can you be wrong? How? The speed of knowledge accelerated beyond our capability to Ant. Eject it in our Former studying pattern.

Another paradox for visionary leaders involves predicting the future. Leaders who are successful predictors of the future act as agents destabilizing the present. Taylor and Wacker by comparison that today’s realities and tomorrows expectations collide. The budget of resources between present and future “produce a gigantic future-based political question with huge consequences for the present.”

Strategy at Work

The State of Nebraska recently made National news with the duct of Lb1024 that, in effect, created segregated school sub-districts in Omaha. The bill was the Unicameral’s way to defeat intercity lawsuits claiming “One City – One School District.” The City of Omaha annexed any small suburban communities to its west, provides police, fire, and city services to these communities; however, the communities remained independent school districts.

The City of Bellevue annexed any sanitary correction Districts (Sid) to its west, provides police, fire and city services to these incorporated Sids. Old mayors and city councils of Bellevue and Papillion drew arbitrary boarders marking the fringes of the two cities school districts in, what were then, unincorporated zones. population increase attached itself close to Bellevue. Now, Bellevue’s city limits extend beyond the school district boarders. Therefore, Bellevue claims “One City – One School District.”

By passing this bill, Senator Chambers [6] acknowledged formal segregation of the districts. Lb1024 created two super-districts, one in Omaha, and one in Bellevue. In Omaha, the super-district has three independent sub-districts. The independent sub-districts have authority over teacher hiring, measures of teacher/student success under federal No Child Left Behind, and administration of their own budget. The super-district has scholastic authority over the smaller sub-districts.

The strongest supporter of the Lb1024 is the State’s strongest proponent of desegregation. Why did Senator Ernie Chambers of the State’s 11th district hold the bill? He claimed the Omaha school district is already segregated. Segregation re-occurred with the end of bussing in 1999. Yet, no Omaha high school is more than 48 percent African American.

Bellevue Mayor Jerry Ryan acknowledged the drain on city funds fighting to redraw school district lines. The fight in Bellevue and Papillion is over federal dollars to schools with a population of children of troops families. Offutt Air Force Base is settled near Bellevue and troops dependent children attend elementary and secondary schools in both cities. Redrawing district lines would result in more federal money to the Bellevue communal School District.

Strategic reasoning and Vision

Reading the paragraphs above may leave the reader asking, “What were they thinking?” Recall the paradox of predicting the future affects the present in adverse ways, yet successful leaders control as though the future is now.

Another view is that nothing turns out exactly as expected. This may leave leaders in an operation quandary: Strategic reasoning in the midst of shifting paradigms servers to help organizations “identify, rejoinder to, and work on changes in its environment.”

Strategic reasoning allows leaders to think in terms of opportunities to innovate and work on their future and the future of their organization. Strategic reasoning aids in abandonment of policies and procedures that are outdated, obsolete, or ineffective.

Strategic reasoning is having an awareness of what has not yet taken shape, having foresight. Vision has a facet that is an personel capability and behavior and it can be a process or operation in business. On a macro level, Vision is a global practice. Note, reaching a macro level must pass from micro – individual, through mezzo – organizational, to reach macro. Vision starts with the personel leader seeing or sensing something best [7].

Foresight is more than vision; it is visionary. Being a visionary leader means being sharp and questioning rather than seeing answers. Mintzberg, et al (1998) calls upon visionary leaders to control on emotional and spiritual resources, values, aspirations, and commitment. Leaders need a reasoning image, build a reasoning model of a desirable future state. The visionary state is as simple as a dream or involved as a written document outlining the dream in measurable steps.

Visionary leaders must next translate the dream of the desirable future state into a Vision they can share with the organization. Sharing a Vision must be proactive, must be like a theater performance. Mintzberg, et al addresses operation by the leader as a rehearsal. Exercise is the institution of the vision, studying everything they can about the vision. Upon becoming comfortable in rehearsal, the leader must openly perform the vision. operation brings a dream to life; however, operation has no value without the attending audience. The organizational audience views the operation while feeling empowered to mimic the performance. Organizational mimicking of the operation serves as a beginning point for transformation to a higher state of consciousness, becoming, as Senge [8] describes, a studying organization.

Bellevue, Nebraska is the third largest city in the state. Eight years ago, Jerry Ryan made his first run for Bellevue Mayor winning an choosing against a beloved mayor. Bellevue’s population in 1998 was about 29,000. Improvements in transportation, cost of housing and housing developments, and increase in sell and commercial ventures has caused an explosion in population to almost 50,000 with an extended sphere of services into not yet annexed developments of an further population of about 15,000.

In the May 2006 primary, Mayor Ryan [9] ran against a field of opponents. Mayor Ryan ran on the ideal that Bellevue has reached a size that requires a full time mayor devoted to the city. Opponents, all in their seventies, do not share his view. Mayor Ryan won the majority of Former votes telling the city his vision. In interview with Mayor Ryan, he expressed how hard it is to run a city of 50,000 part-time. “Citizens think I run the city. They are not aware that it is the City Council that approves all action. And, the City Council doesn’t want a full time mayor,” said Ryan in interview. “If there is one thing I’ve failed to do,” said Ryan, “is adequately share my reasoning and Vision within the council.”

In the “One City – One School District” battle in Omaha, the school district argued that incorporation of suburban districts into Omaha would originate a broader tax base, allow for creation of magnet schools throughout the district, and more equitably share resources. Senator Chambers, in hold of Lb1024, argued that schools already segregated would have more administrative control over their districts to originate educational opportunities for racially distinct schools by racially distinct administrators. Opposition to Lb1024 was high before its passing, the Governor faced strong opposition for signing it, the Attorney normal believes it is in violation of federal law and unconstitutional and Omaha’s most notable citizen, Warren Buffet, expressed his strong opposition.

Senator Chambers is the only African-American state senator who is controversial and outspoken. Many of his claims consist of racially sharp statements against police, school administrators, teachers, and fellow senators. By contrast, to Mayor Ryan, Senator Chambers does not appear to have a Vision based on strategic thinking. Senator Chambers’ term in the Unicameral ends in 2008 and he cannot run again because of imposed term limits.

Morgan [10] offers some thoughts on communal building of reality. What he writes is population have images of themselves and these images unfold into their reality. Two leaders identified thus far have diversely dissimilar views of reality. One holds a Vision of what can be for the city while the other fights against change using deeply entrenched assumptions of the power of others to shape events.

Another person, a group head of a large First Data Corporation region [11], offered some understanding into strategic reasoning and being visionary. In an impromptu interview, she held that having a focus on what is potential helped her rise within a firm at a time when it was having serious leadership troubles. When everybody else was seeking safety, she sought innovation-providing direction when it appeared there was none. Her member services region is the western United States, Canada, and Mexico. She said, “I thrive on chaos. When things look the most confused, I see my group diversified, flattened, with empowered subordinate managers.”

Our dialogue continued on chaos with Kim conceding she manages chaos within set organizational plans and policies. This lead to her admission that she is more ordered in her expectations and spends more time planning than reasoning and creating vision.

Strategic Planning

Hill and Jones [12] discuss strategic planning with the same cautions of Davis [13]. One conception of planning is doing so under uncertainties. In life and business, the only distinct is uncertainty. Organizations cannot plan for the future because it is unpredictable. an additional one consideration is planning cannot be a top-management function alone. This “ivory tower” planning may result in senior leaders reasoning in a vacuum, being enthusiastic about a plan and having no operational realities. Finally, strategic planning often suffers because planners have a short-range view of the current environment missing the dynamics of the contentious environment.

Mintzberg, et al devotes a section to “Planning’s Unplanned Troubles.” They by comparison that planning establishes inflexibility. They hold the assertion presented above with the fallacy of predetermination. This fallacy says organizations are able to predict the direction of their environment, are able to Exercise control over the environment, “or plainly to assume its stability.” “Because determination is not synthesis, strategic planning has never been strategy making.”

Reverse procedure a little, planning is not a bad thing when used in cohort with strategic reasoning and visionary leadership. It is applying the controlling element strategy to planning that causes problems. Morgan argues in favor of plans and planning when created in a visionary framework that can evolve as circumstances change. What they insinuate in relating the tail of the “Strategic Termites” is unpredictability of organizational structure. An organization’s leader does not need a strategic plan to enforce order. Order, like in a termite colony, emerges in an evolutionary way. Planning is not guided by plans rather by a sense of know what the assosication wants to ultimately achieve. Ideas, action, and events occur separately but self-organizing yet apparently disorganized groups of termites seize the occasion to begin change.

The future Depends On It

Seeing the future depends on foresight. Having a future view and strategically reasoning of the future creates a new paradigm, part of the paradoxes already discussed. One old paradigm suggests future conception as a prediction and improvement of plans based on the prediction. Making plans establishes procedure necessary to reach the staggering future. When the predictions fail to materialize an assosication scrambles to recover. an additional one paradigm is the invention of the future. This means population both by comparison and come to be constrained by the structures they enact and change through practice. Gaspar [7] refers to the work of Mintzberg, et al, saying the old paradigms do not work in future reasoning organizations. She tells us we must couple a strategy that includes patterns and perspectives with planning and positioning.

Take a view of American clubs 100 years ago. Of the top 12 clubs 100 years ago, ten dealt in selling commodities. Today, of the top 12 U.S. Companies, three deal in commodities. The remaining nine clubs deal in services, manufacturing, and high technology [14]. The only thing distinct is change and firm leaders must learn to cope with it in order to manage it. Coping with change and managing it mean businesses can profit from it. The future of firm is knowledge driven. Countries must be smart, clubs must be smart, and population must be smart.

Countries, companies, and population must be equally smart at the same time. To win the future game, each of the three must anticipate and adapt to change in order to manage it effectively. Mayor Ryan admitted that government is slow to change. By example, he cited the city council established a steering committee to explore either the city needed to spend money for computers in the mayor’s office. The city has a web nearnessy but the city council did not adopt an intra- and inter-city email principles until the steering committee received confirmation from surrounding cities of their principles usage. The mayor is 72; by contrast, the average age of the city council is about 63. Mayor Ryan recognizes the value of technology and aggressively seeks younger citizens to enter city government. He hopes forward reasoning younger population will drive the risk adverse council toward active and aggressive risk management.

Senator Chambers is the longest serving Senator in the Nebraska Unicameral. He is 69 years old and suffered racial slurs and isolation from fellow senators when he took office. Slurs and threats, chalked on his capitol office door, remain and he considers these a badge. He does not appear on the senate floor in suit and tie. He wears blue jeans and sweat shirts in protest to conformity. However, Senator Chambers seems to exist in an era when racism and segregation were the norm. He rarely seeks coalition with other senators preferring to be a voice of defiance [15].

These two leaders view the future differently. While one hopes to perform the future by recruiting younger forward reasoning population into the political system, the other remains rooted in the past. Neither manages the future proactively but coming the future based on present and past experiences not through data seeking, strategic thinking, and visionary reasoning modeling.


This paper discussed strategy, strategic reasoning and Vision making, planning, and the future. These are not separate activities although the seminar presents them individually. By recognizing the Lorenz Attractor as a spiral of interacting parts of an organization, one can also find this model fits a non-linear process of thinking, vision, and planning. seeing the future as an evolving present helps leaders realize that rigid policies based on formalized strategic plans inhibit response to change.

Strategic reasoning and Vision creation suggests that leaders continually test their reasoning model with new reasoning and questioning – progressively looping thinking, vision, and new data into new thinking. This cycle process allows leaders to anticipate disruptions in the firm cycle. Leaders who interrogate themselves asking, “what if …” know “what if …” These leaders are future seeking and organizations employing these leaders are future seeking studying organizations ready to change before change occurs.

This paper does not deny the value of planning as part of a strategic process. However, rigid planning that does not speculate the shifting horizon of organizational improvement leaves the firm questioning, “What happened,” rather than “what’s happening.”

Foresight allows for strategic management, forecasting and positioning of an organization. The outcome from Vision in firm is the staggering future becoming an distinct future.


1. Gates, B. (1996). The Road Ahead. New York: Penguin Books.

2. Taylor, J., Wacker, W. With Means, H. (2000). The Visionary’s Handbook: Nine Paradoxes that will Shape the future of Your Business. New Youk: Harper-Collins Publishers, Inc.

3. Holy Bible. New International Version. Bible Online. Retrieved from

4. Sanders, T. I. (1998). Strategic reasoning and the New Science: Planning in the midst of chaos, complexity, and change. New York: The Free Press.

5. Mintzberg, M. Ahlstrand, B. & Lampel, J. (1998). Strategy Safari: A guided tour through the wilds of strategic Management. New York: The Free Press.

6. Gaspar, J. (2005, August 21-24). Corporate Vision – an effort to listen to the voices futures’ generations in the strategy Making process. future Studies Department, Corvinus University of Budapest. Retrieved June 15, 2006 from'judit%20gaspar%20corporate%20foresight'

7. J. Ryan (personal communication, April 28, 2006) in seminar of mayoral leadership strategy in a metropolitan community.

8. Senge, P. M. (1990). The Fifth Discipline: The art & institution of the studying organization. New York: Currency and Doubleday.

9. Morgan, G. (1993). Imaginization: The Art of Creative Management. Newbury Park: Sage Publishing, Inc.

10. Hill, C. W. L. & Jones, G. R. (1998). Strategic Management: An integrated approach. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.

11. Davis, S. (1996). future Perfect. Reading, Ma: Addison-Wesley.

12. Ong Teck Mong, T. (2006, May 7). Anticipating and Managing Change: The Key to future Success. Asian produce of administration 37th Commencement Ceremonies. Retrieved June 16, 2006 from [].

13. Ernie Chambers. (2006). Wikipedia. Retrieved May 31, 2006 from [].

14. Blackman, D. A. And Henderson, S. (2004). How Vision creates unforeseen futures: the role of doubting. Futures, 36. 253-266.

15. Johnson, T. A. (2000). An Intellectual and Political Biography of Nebraska State Senator Ernest Chambers: Activist, Statesman, and Humanist, 1937-. Plains Humanities Alliance: Events. Retrieved May 31, 2006 from []

16. Nadler, D. A. And Tushman, M. L. (1997). contentious by Design: The Power of Organizational Architecture. New York: Oxford University Press.

17. Somasegar (No First Name) (2006, January 21). Strategic Thinking. Retrieved June 2, 2006 from

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The enterprise Value of allowable Corporate group responsibility

Corporate group accountability (Csr) is the belief that that a corporation's responsibilities comprise other stakeholders and includes other responsibilities above and beyond a return for shareholders. These responsibilities comprise legal, ethical and philanthropic responsibilities in addition to economic responsibilities (Trevino and Nelson, 2005, p. 31). Other stakeholders could comprise employees, suppliers, the customers, the society and others. Types of responsibilities the corporation may hold beyond a return for shareholders could include, protecting and or improving the environment where the company operates, improving conditions for the society where the company resides, etc...

Corporate Governance refers the way in which the corporation governs itself. Governance includes the way the company reports earnings, pays Directors, etc... Recognizing that improper governance can have huge consequences for employees and shareholders, the government requires corporations to result Corporate Governance laws and guidelines that are designed to cut the risk of fraud, and financial ruins such as those that caused the demise of corporations like Enron, WorldCom and Global Crossing.

Solid Corporate Governance that protects investors and employees from accounting fraud, disagreement of interest, etc., can be seen as a part of any company that is acting socially responsible. Because a Csr company is acting in a way above and beyond what is required of it by law to safe stakeholders in the company, solid Corporate Governance of a Csr oriented company could be viewed as a way in which the company can ensure that the interests of many directly associated and dependent on the company can be protected, including; employees, customers, the communities that depend on tax revenues and employment, etc... Solid Corporate Governance can be seen as an necessary first step of any Csr oriented company. Without it, it risks disagreement of interest of its board members, Ceo, uncertain financial and accounting practices and other risks which could have devastating negative impacts on all stakeholders. For example, Enron's collapse due to failure of Corporate Governance to prevent fraud and deceit hurt thousands of employees, the society of Houston, where most employees lived, the tax revenues that supported group works, the result on families and couples who lost withdrawal savings, health guarnatee coverage, etc... In fact, before Enron's accounting fraud became known, many would have thought about Enron a solid socially responsible habitancy because of its much recognized funding of museums, hospitals and many other organizations in the society where they operated (p. 163). However, all the communities would have been best off in the long run, if Enron had never contributed a dime to these group responsible activities, but had rather in case,granted solid Corporate Governance over its internal operations. If Enron had done this, thousands would not have lost jobs, communities would have maintained higher tax revenues, retirements would have been more secured for thousands, health guarnatee would have been secured by many more, returns would have been higher for investors and shareholders, etc...

Corporate Governance should be seen as a top priority of any company seeking to be a good corporate citizen. More good can be done by a company ensuring solid corporate governance, than other activates usually seen as leading for Socially known organizations. Furthermore, more pressure should be exerted on organizations to compose good group governance than should be exerted on fellowships to sponsor other socially responsible activities and stakeholders in communities, the press, the government, etc., should also recognize and applaud fellowships who may put more exertion on Corporate Governance although they may lack other group activities. Governance should be seen ad rewarded as the top priority.


Trevino, L., and Nelson, K., (2005). Corporate group accountability and managerial ethics. Hoboken, Nj: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

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essential Needs Model of Stakeholder equilibrium

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over at this website essential Needs Model of Stakeholder equilibrium

Today's leaders face increased challenges due to "globalization, information technology, and manufactures consolidation" (Kanter, 2000, ¶ 2). Additionally, the loss of group trust due to accounting scandals and ethical misconduct has created a hostile marketplace. They must navigate their organizations through these turbulent times by leading with a "sense of purpose and a guiding vision" (Maak & Pless, 2006, ¶ 1). The leader must equilibrium the organizational demands with the uncertainly of the external environment.

essential Needs Model of Stakeholder equilibrium

The external environment affects an organization's passage to resources. Jones (2004) states, "Customers, distributors, unions, competitors, suppliers, and the government are all leading covering stakeholders who can sway and pressure organizations to act in inescapable ways" (p. 62). By applying leadership and administration principles, the leader can plan for interruptions in resources. Jones (2004) writes "In the global environment, supplies of inputs can be obtained not just from domestic sources but from any country in the world" (p. 64). The Council on Library and information Resources (2005) states, "Because external environmental factors and management's tone sway the organization's ability to meet its objectives, it is leading that administration understand the significance of these elements" (Managing company Risk, ¶ 15).

Meeting the "conflicting demands of dissimilar stakeholders," (Loo, 2002, ¶ 4) is the accountability of a firm's leadership. This is no easy feat balancing the needs of internal stakeholders with the needs of external stakeholders and aligning the needs of these conflicting constituents with the mission and goals of the organization. The mission statement is the outward face to external stakeholders. Jones (2004) writes, "When managers originate a set of goals to quantum organizational effectiveness, they must make sure that the official goals and operative goals work together to heighten effectiveness (p. 22). In increasing to the organizational mission and goals, leaders must invent communication skills to equilibrium the competing demands between internal and external stakeholders.

Effectively managing stakeholder expectations requires the leader to recognize the information needs of the assorted stakeholders. Balancing the information needed or requested by the stakeholders with the needs of the organization, requires evaluating the communication requirements of each stakeholder group. Communicating clear and concise information aids in understanding.

Combining leadership, the mission, and strategy of the organization, and productive communication provides leaders with the tools to equilibrium the competing needs and demands of internal and external stakeholders. Outline 1 represents the needful Needs Model of Stakeholder Balance. The model represents a signpost reminder for leaders who must articulate the delicate equilibrium between the needs of inside and covering constituents.

Components of the needful Needs Model of Stakeholder Balance

This section will review the components of the needful Needs Model of Stakeholder Balance. The model evolves from a metaphor of a scale in balance. The scale base represents the need for a solid foundation to sustain organizational structure. The implementation of leadership system forms this foundation. The pedestal of the scale is formed from the mission and strategy of the organization. The mission "describes the company's product, market, and technological areas of emphasis in a way that reflects the values and priorities" (Pearce & Robinson, 2003, pp. 13-14) of the organization. The cross bar of the model is represented by communication between the stakeholder groups, acting as a bridge to understanding. In each of the isolate scales, reside the internal and external stakeholders, whose competing demands could unbalance the organization. It is the accountability of the leaders of the club to recognize and equilibrium the stakeholder needs by shifting the weights of stakeholder needs, holding the scale in delicate balance. The following description will further build on the components of the needful Needs Model of Stakeholder Balance.


The foundation of the needful Needs Model of Stakeholder equilibrium is built from leadership theory. Northouse (2004) writes, "Burns grand between two types of leadership: transactional and transformational. Transactional leadership refers to the bulk of leadership models, which focus on the exchanges that occur between leaders and their followers" (p. 170). Transactional leadership is displayed when a leader motivates his followers by gift a punish-and-reward system in regard to their achievements. One of the roots for this system can be seen in power system through the use of recompense and coercive power. Transactional leadership occurs in situations where the leader comes from strong positional power and is relatively task oriented (Bass, 1990).

The transformational leadership model was born in the work of "Burns (1978), Bass (1985), Bennis and Nanus (1985), and Tichy and DeVanna (1986)" (Northouse, 2004, p. 198). Burns (1978), identified that there was a relationship between leaders and their followers that was of a higher-level than the purely transactional relationship of management. He termed this relationship as transforming because these emotional bonds lead to change within the leaders and the followers.

Bass' study describes the needful differences in the workforce today versus the workforce of the 1950s. The workforce of today has a higher level of education. Employees accept increased accountability at all levels of the organization. Bass observed a decrease in loyalty to a company or a single job and the unabridged growth in employees' own self-interest (Bass, 1999). These changes in the workforce make the characteristics of transformational leadership a necessity in many instances. The leader must be able to adjust their leadership style to the situation to introduce the changes needed to reach organizational goals. "The transformational leader raises our level of consciousness about the significance and value of designated outcomes, transcend our own self-interest for the sake of the team, [or] organization, ...and advance our range of wants and needs" (Doyle & Smith, 2001, p. 5).

The transformational leader creates an enjoyable and rewarding environment for themselves and their followers. In the past, a leader could carry on their followers by directing the work attempt and by monitoring their output. Today the leader must be able to sway their followers' behavior, sell the vision, and stir emotional commitment. Leaders must have a clear vision, which employees may embrace and assume ownership. This call to action requires emotional commitment from the leader and the followers, one towards another. Once the leadership has industrialized a solid foundation, it is needful to build upon this foundation through the organization's mission and strategy.

Mission and Strategy

The mission statement is the outward face to external stakeholders. Pearce and Robinson (2003) state, "Organizational culture has been recognized as a pervasive sway on organizational life. Organizational culture, the shared beliefs and values of an organization's members" (p. 305). The key for achieving the organizational goals and the integration of departments, lies in the ability of the leader to originate a shared vision, enable staff, invent strong relationships between company units, invent productive teams, and articulate focus on the mission. A mission statement has a principle value of providing guidance to the whole club by articulating clearly its long-term intentions, goals, and expectations (Pearce & Robinson).

Value creation for a global company must be viewed through a dissimilar lens than customary corporate strategy. Corporate strategy and value creation in the past were focused on how effectively a company could build a buyer niche market, service it, and articulate competing positioning (Bodily & Venkataraman, 2004). The global era has revised that coming by requiring clubs to be more adept at changing to meet shop needs and competing pressures. With the pedestal firmly in place the cross bar may be added to the model. The cross bar is formed from the communications the leadership posits. The communications form a bridge of comprehension between the club and its constituents.


Communication is more than just sending and receiving a message. comprehension what information the stakeholder needs and how they want to receive it, requires thoughtful investigation and inquiry. dissimilar stakeholders will want dissimilar types of information as well and dissimilar forms of delivery. Shareholders will want information describing the financial stability of the company. Maak and Pless (2006), state that, "Responsible leaders safeguard shareholders' venture capital and ensure an adequate return. They respect their ownership and ensure regular communication and transparent reporting on the economic, social, and ecological execution of the corporation" (p. 4).

Internal stakeholders, the employees, and senior administration will need differing types of information. Leaders must have "The ability to get all [stakeholders] affected by a task involved, to ensure their sustain and commitment" (Recklies, 2001, ¶ 5). Recklies (2001) argues that leaders must be skilled in emotional intelligence "...this includes the ability to communicate, to understand, and to take into catalogue opinions and doubts of others" (¶ 5).

Bridging the gaps between internal and external stakeholders requires the leader to be skilled in communication analysis, stakeholder analysis, and communication technology. Knowing what to say and how to say it goes a long way in developing stakeholder relationships.

Stakeholder Theory

Freeman (1984) opened the conference on stakeholder system presenting the first systematic evaluation (Maak & Pless, 2006). Stakeholder system has evolved to encompass not just a means to an end but "a moral comprehension of stakeholders being ends in themselves-individuals/groups with [their] own interests that the firm was constructed to serve" (Freeman & Gilbert, 1989, as cited in Maak & Pless, 2006, p. 6).Maak and Pless (2006) write,

Freeman et al. (2004), stakeholder system starts with the assumption that values are necessarily and explicitly a part of doing business. It asks managers to articulate the shared sense of the value they create, and what brings its core stakeholders together. It also pushes managers to be clear about how they want to do business, specifically what kinds of relationships they want and need to originate with their stakeholders to deliver on their purpose'' (364). (pp. 6-7)

Two questions must be asked in stakeholder theory, "'what is the purpose of the firm?'' (Freeman et al., 2004: 364, as cited in Maak & Pless, 2006, p. 6) and ''what accountability does administration have to stakeholders?'' (Freeman et al., 2004: 364, as cited in Maak & Pless, 2006, p. 6). It is leading that the leadership of the club understand that there is value in investing in the interests and relationships of the stakeholders (Maak & Pless, 2006) but these relationships must be balanced with the needs of the organization. To do so requires the leader to give a weight to each stakeholder and to each competing demand.

Balancing Weights

In the needful Needs Model of Stakeholder Balance, the final pieces are the weights. The leader must decide what value to assign each need/weight, if the need is needful to the stakeholder and if that need/weight affects the organization. Each need/weight must be weighed against the mission and strategy of the club and trades offs may be required due to puny resources. It is the duty of the leadership to articulate the delicate equilibrium between achieving the organizational goals and meeting the needs of the internal and external stakeholders.


The needful Needs Model of Stakeholder equilibrium uses the metaphor of the scale in balance, with internal stakeholders on one side and external stakeholders on the other. The competing needs of the stakeholders as the weights. The leader must articulate the delicate equilibrium of the scale, using care to rate the needs of the stakeholders to those of the organization, its mission and goals, and communicating the decisions made to the assorted stakeholders.

By applying the transformational and transactional leadership theories, the leader is good able to make informed and valued decisions. The model is a signpost, built to guide and remind the leader of the vigor of the club and the value that the stakeholders bring to the organization.


Bass, B. (1990). Handbook of leadership: Theory, study & managerial applications, (3rd ed.). New York: The Free Press.

Bass, B. (1999). Two Decades of study and development in Transformational Leadership. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 8(1), 9-32.

Bodily, S. & Venkataraman, S. (2004). Not walls, windows: capturing value in the digital age. Journal of company Strategy, 25(3), 15-25.

Council on Library and information Resources. (2005). Appendix I: The company risk model. Retrieved June 15, 2007, from

Doyle, M. E., & Smith, M. K. (2001). Classical leadership. The encyclopedia of informal education, 5(1), 3-15.

Heldman, K. (2005). Pmp: task administration pro study guide, (3rd ed.). Hoboken, Nj: Wiley Publishing, Inc.

Jones, G.R. (2004). Organizational Theory, Design, and Change, (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, Nj: Prentice Hall.

Kanter, R. M. (2000). The enduring skills of change leaders. Ivey company Journal, 64(5), 31-37.

Loo, R. (2002). The Delphi method: A grand tool for strategic management. Policing, 25(4), 762-770.

Maak, T. & Pless, N. M. (2006). Responsible leadership in a stakeholder society: A Relational perspective. Journal of company Ethics, 66, 99-115.

Northouse, P. (2004). Leadership: system and Practice, (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, Ca: Sage Publications, Inc.

Pearce, J. A, & Robinson, R. B. (2003). Strategic management: Formulation, implementation, and control, (8th ed.). Ny: McGraw-Hill.

Recklies, D. (2001). What makes a good change agent? Retrieved June 16, 2007, from

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Are Plastic Food and Beverage containers Safe?

--University Of Phoenix of Are Plastic Food and Beverage containers Safe?--

additional hints Are Plastic Food and Beverage containers Safe?

Question: Have plastic food and beverage packaging been proven safe?

Are Plastic Food and Beverage containers Safe?

Answer: No.

During the film's graduation party in The Graduate, Mr. McGuire pulls Benjamin Braddock (Dustin Hoffman) aside to offer sage guidance for his future. His hereafter would be one word: "plastics."

Of course, we all know Mr. McGuire's guidance and prognostication was correct. Plastics can only be made by man in his infinite wisdom, hence they are patentable. The behalf in the manufacture of plastics has been huge. Plastics are everywhere. Plastic manufacturing now uses 4% of the world's oil output annually. Automobiles are now 9% plastic. It is of my special concern that more foods and beverages are being put into plastic containers. Plastics are ubiquitous now. They persist and procure in our community as their output exceeds their chemical degradation rate. Harmful chemicals from plastics are now generally found in groundwater, waterways, and drinking water.

While standing out in the summer heat in Phoenix, Arizona in 1981, my girlfriend asked me what was causing the film to form on the inside of the windshield of her new Mazda 626. She said that she had to wipe it off every morning so she could see to drive to work. I didn't know then. I do now! It was phthalates, the chemical that was added to the plastic dash cover to soften it and forestall cracking. I'm sure by now most of the phthalate has evaporated into our atmosphere and the Mazda is in some junkyard with a cracked up dash.

Phthalates are Edc's (Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals.) They are chemicals found in recycle codes #1 straight through #6 plastics. an additional one Edc (Bisphenol A) is in recycle code #7 plastics. All of these types of plastic Edc's interfere with the function of sex hormones receptors. In The Graduate Benjamin was quite a stud. I wonder if he's now taking one of the popular drugs to treat erectile dysfunction, a disorder that has become one of the many epidemics in our new plastic world.

In 2003 a group of Croatian scientists reported that phthalates in plastics dissolved in assorted solutions. They used a variety of plastic items, along with plastic food containers. After 10 days of sitting in distilled water, an midpoint of 55.4 mg/ of phthalates from each kilogram of plastic "migrated" into the water. To a lesser degree the phthalates from plastics dissolved into acetic acid 3% (44.4 mg/kg) and 10% ethyl alcohol (32.3 mg/kg).

The Croatian study shows what Benjamin would suspect, if he took chemistry in college: Water is the universal solvent; and it dissolves even the primarily fat soluble phthalates. The more that you filter water to take off other toxic solutes, the more aggressive water becomes in its power to reach osmolar balance by dissolving its non-inert containers.

What is also obviously missing from the Croatians' controlled, static testing model are the temperature variations that the plastic bottled water goods goes straight through to get from bottling point to the mouth of the consumer. Converyance trucks probably reach a very high temperature in the non refrigerated cargo areas that carry Pete (recycle code #1 plastic) bottled water in the summer. Heat facilitates the dissolution of phthalates into the water. Then the bottles may be stored for a much longer time than 10 days prior to consumption. Furthermore, freezing the packaging produces micro-fissures in the interior covering of the plastic bottle holder as the water expands, exponentially exposing more solute covering area. Traumatic handling or any request for retrial of the holder will further heighten diffusion. Applying the laws of physics, all of these factors clearly by extrapolation will growth the water dissolution of the plastic containers.

Fatty foods in plastic packaging are even more problematic, as fats are absorbed differently and carry their phthalate solvents into our bodies more easily. Phthalates bio-accumulate because of their fat solubility. Phthalates join in such fat organs in our bodies such as brains, prostates, testicles, ovaries, breasts and, unfortunately, breast milk. (The other popular food alternatives for infants are worse. Market baby formulas are loaded with the manmade phthalates.)

I think the worst example of food containment in plastic is milk. All milk except non-fat milk contains fat. Cow milk itself represents a major source of the fats ingested by the public, especially children. Cattle join these chemicals by bioaccummulation because Edc's from plastics are ubiquitous in water and most animal food sources. Meat and dairy products are therefore a major contributor to this group of human food chain derived toxins, regardless of their containment. It is now irresponsible to add more phathalates to the products by putting the milk products in plastic packaging that add More Edc's.

Cattle have intentially been "fattened up" by adding hormones And unintentially "fattened up" more by the contamination of cattle food and water by Edc's. The aggregate of these chemicals passed on to the consumers in concentrated form in milk products will most likely exacerbate obesity in humans that consume them as well.

Our current scientific knowledge and common sense screams for an end to buyer buy of milk bottled in plastics. Until milk fellowships have their products quantatatively analysed for these Edc's by competent independent laboratories, my strong suggestion is to avoid buy and consumption of milk and dairy products contained in plastic.

Sadly, the Croatian authors' 2003 conclusions about the safety of plastics were: "These (exposure) levels would not present a hazard for human health, not even for a continued duration of time." However, what was deemed appropriate levels of phthalates in 2003 now is recognized as "crystal clearly" too high.

Selective interpretations from the Acc (American Chemistry Council) lead to this erroneously high level being "set" for past toxicity standards. The Acc is an "industry group" advisor. It's much like the wolf guarding the henhouse. Thanks to the Acc efforts, operate regulations placed upon this chemical class are minimal. An ongoing perpetuation of phthalate approval for use in virtually everything, along with containment of food, has resulted. In fact, the perpetuation of these mythological high safety standards has resulted in the majority of our food being wrapped or contained in plastics that leach Edc's into our foods.

The Acc's Phthalate Esters Panel is made up representatives from Basf, Eastman Chemical, Exxon-Mobil Chemical, Ferro, and Teknor Apex Corporations. After graduating, Benjamin could have gone to work for any of these fellowships to share the wealth that plastics manufacturing have reaped, instead of hanging nearby and sporting Mrs. Robinson for the summer!

I love one of the rationalization examples the Acc makes on their Phthalates facts town webpage: "Thanks to phthalates, your nail polish doesn't chip." I wonder if they are aware of the "unexplained" high rate of breast cancer in manicurists. I also wonder if they are aware that most breast tissues and breast cancers have sex hormone receptors that are acted upon by the Edc's found in plastics.

To further confuse the public, the Acc webpage also redefines the Precautionary Principle which in its un-perverted definition simply is: A (chemical) should not be thought about safe until it is proven safe. Environmentalists who are trying to unravel the cause-effect relationships of environment chemicals, to the otherwise unexplained epidemics of assorted diseases now affecting man as well as every species on our planet, encourage its application. The Acc's watered down version suggests that cost effective, fearless risks are worth taking.

Can the Acc keep up the phthalate safety illusion forever? The American Tobacco relationship almost got away with it!

We now know that Edc's, like hormones themselves need very puny amounts to have physiologic impact. Edc's are active in parts per trillion! For example, the usual adult maintenance dose of levothyroxine, a drug to replace depleted natural thyroid hormone in hypothyroidism, is 1.6 micrograms/Kg/day. Why would I even think about saying that a dose in the milligrams (1000 times as much as a microgram) of a known Edc would be safe, especially for a child or developing fetus?

We now know that phthalates also work in synergy with chemicals in other classes to exert "more than additive" physiologic effects.

Previous experiments in rodents showed that high levels of phthalates interfer with testosterone while gestation resulting in birth defects of the genitalia, testicular cancer, and infertility in the rats.

The Acc inspired appropriate level of phthalate myth should be blown out of the water with a recent study completed by the University of Rochester School of medicine and Dentistry. This study of 85 human infant boys reported in May 2005 showed that phthalate levels found commonly in the general population adversely influenced sexual development. The phthalate exposure these children had correlated with smaller penis size and incomplete testicular descent, which is a condition that greatly increases the risk of testicular cancer if left untreated.

Solution 1 - choose glass packaging over plastic for buy and warehouse of food and beverages along with milk and water.

American children can consume several milligrams of phthalate each day.

I wonder if The Graduate's Mr. Robinson noticed that most of the teenage girls now-days have bigger breasts than his seductive wife (gynecomastia), and that they begin thelarche (breast development) and menarche (menstruation) at a significantly younger age, or that many more have an endocrine prognosis called Pcos (polycystic ovary syndrome).

The chances of a woman getting breast cancer in her lifetime has probably gone from a risk of less than 1 in 10 (10%) before The Graduate was made to a 1 in about 7.5 (13.2 %) rate today.

The option to avoid food chain plastics is a "no-brainer" when you understand how these chemicals persist and procure in our environment, and how they function in our bodies!

Solution 2 - choose stainless steel packaging over plastic for warehouse of food and beverages along with water.

Unfortunately, we are past the point of no return with phthalates. Just like
cigarettes I think we'll have to live as prisoners with their impact on hereafter generations. The only defense we have at this time is to individually choose to avoid them when we can, to mitigate their effects on our health.

Phthalates clearly act upon hormone receptors in both men and women. A concern is the potential phthalate impact on breast and other hormone sensitive tissue in human females, but phthalate's demasculinizing potential on males is more of a threat to all species on the planet.

Unlike Mr. McGuire, I think we can choose a better hereafter by avoiding his "one word." We should start by trying to reduce plastics in our food chain exposures.

Bottom line:

I would strongly recommend consumers to buy beverages and non-solid food products packaged in glass rather than plastic if given the choice.

© Life Dynamix 2005 All ownership Reserved

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1920s Fancy Dress - 3 Great Outfit advice Tips to Wear to a Twenties Costume Party

Baker University - 1920s Fancy Dress - 3 Great Outfit advice Tips to Wear to a Twenties Costume Party The content is nice quality and useful content, That is new is that you just never knew before that I know is that I even have discovered. Before the unique. It is now near to enter destination 1920s Fancy Dress - 3 Great Outfit advice Tips to Wear to a Twenties Costume Party. And the content related to Baker University.

Do you know about - 1920s Fancy Dress - 3 Great Outfit advice Tips to Wear to a Twenties Costume Party

Baker University! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Nowadays, 1920s fancy dress outfits are very favorite at Halloween and other types of costume parties throughout the year. The style from that era seems to be classic, always in vogue and, above all, glamourous.

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How is 1920s Fancy Dress - 3 Great Outfit advice Tips to Wear to a Twenties Costume Party

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Baker University.

Depending on whether you are male or female, there are a estimate of 1920s fancy dress options available to you. Below are 3 tips on what I believe are the very best outfit types to wear to twenties costume parties, according to whether you are a woman, man or a incorporate going to the party.

Tip 1 for women: 1920's flapper outfits

Without doubt, the best example of 1920s fancy dress for women is the flapper dress. Made preeminent in the dance-halls of twenties America, the flapper girl was the epitome of a contemporary woman letting her hair down. Considered scandalous in their day, the flapper embodies all of the fun, glamour and style of the 1920's.

If you decide to go to the party as a flapper, remember that your character goes beyond your outfit. These were the first rebels, who wore too much make-up, wore their hair differently and smoked in public, with their infamous cigarette holders. Therefore, as well as getting your costume, make sure you spend a dinky extra on those accessories that will make your outfit that dinky bit more authentic.

Tip 2 for men: 1920's blazers and boaters

Another look from the duration is the University specialist look; the striped blazer and boater hat that would have been worn at Wimbledon, Lords or at the Oxford/Cambridge boat race. This easily is a smart, beloved type of outfit that will easily add a touch of sophistication at the party.

Usually consisting of a red and white striped blazer and a straw boater hat, this is ideal 1920s fancy dress for men. Do not forget your striped bow-tie and fake plastic smoking pipe for the finishing touches.

Tip 3 for couples: Gangster and Molls

The confident selection for 1920s fancy dress for couples is to go as a gangster and his moll. whether that be as recognizable hoodlum couples, such as Bonnie and Clyde, personel characters, such as Al Capone and Ma Baker, or just generic gangster types, this easily works well as couples fancy dress.

Again authentic seeing gangster and moll costumes are all in the details. Accessories such as 1920's spats, fedora hats and black and white patent shoes will make all the divergence to how convincing your costumes will look.

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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Phoenix Mars Mission

--University Of Phoenix of Phoenix Mars Mission--

this guy Phoenix Mars Mission

Building on the achievements of the Mars Pathfinder, the lessons learned by the failure of the Mars Polar Lander and the success of the Mars Odyssey in discovering water on the planet, the upcoming Phoenix Mars Mission is rising to the challenge of Mars exploration. With a get underway date of August 3, 2007, 5:35 a.m. Edt, the start of a get underway window of 20 days, the flight will be the first in the Nasa "Scout Program". After journeying 171 million miles the Phoenix is scheduled make a powered descent to the planet's exterior on May 25, 2008.

Phoenix Mars Mission

Using innovative technology, and with a comparatively low cost, the Scouts are intended to complement other major missions. The University of Arizona is leading the mission, becoming the first university to do so, and the Canadian Space division as well as the European Space division have teamed with the U.S. To invent the advanced technology being used on the flight.

The Phoenix will be using a lander advanced for the Mars Surveyor Lander before it was cancelled. Also, they will join involved instruments based on those lost when the landing gear of the Mars Polar Lander was deployed, accidentally shutting off the motor while the lander was still far above the planet's surface. Intended, as was the Polar Lander, to regain water ice at the poles, the Phoenix will land on the northern pole of Mars between 65 and 75 north latitude. The mission is planned to last 150 days, during which a robotic arm nearly eight feet long will dig trenches up to a depth of three feet into the water ice, with the layers believed to hold organic compounds. Some of the samples retrieved by the robotic arm will be heated and the resulting volatiles tested for various characteristics.

A stereo camera, based on technology derived from the missions of Pathfinder and Mars Exploration Rover, will be deployed on a mast about six and a half feet tall. Revealing the geology of the landing site, the two images will provide a high-resolution view, along with range maps, helping to search the best areas for digging. The Phoenix also possess the technology to inspect the atmosphere of the planet up to an altitude of 12.4 miles, examining clouds, fog and dust as well as measuring temperature and atmospheric pressure. It is hoped that the Scout program could increase the number of landing sites on Mars, with the next Scout mission scheduled for lift-off in 2011. The program also plans for increased international cooperation, especially from France and Italy, and both countries have plans to conduct joint investigations with the U.S., with other countries also expressing interest.

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Stanford 20-20 Cricket Tournament 2008 - Brightest And The Best Yeast!

Baker University - Stanford 20-20 Cricket Tournament 2008 - Brightest And The Best Yeast! The content is nice quality and helpful content, That is new is that you just never knew before that I know is that I have discovered. Prior to the distinctive. It's now near to enter destination Stanford 20-20 Cricket Tournament 2008 - Brightest And The Best Yeast!. And the content related to Baker University.

Do you know about - Stanford 20-20 Cricket Tournament 2008 - Brightest And The Best Yeast!

Baker University! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Three weeks ago, I landed at Heathrow airport shivering. An Indian born immigration officer asked me why was I shivering when I just arrived from Switzerland? "Switzerland is colder than London," he volunteered. I told him I was shaking off the last frost flakes because next day, God willing, I would be in Antigua for the eagerly-awaited start of the Stanford 20/20 Cricket Tournament 2008.

What I said. It isn't outcome that the actual about Baker University. You check out this article for facts about an individual want to know is Baker University.

How is Stanford 20-20 Cricket Tournament 2008 - Brightest And The Best Yeast!

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Baker University.

His eyes lit up immediately. He put down his pen and inquired: "You know Viv Richards?" I told him that he lives exactly two blocks from where I would be staying. I told him about the time I introduced Viv to a cousin of mine, years ago at Lords. After Viv shook his hand, my cousin refused to wash the hand that Viv shook, for over a week.

'I heard so much about the Stanford 20/20' he said. Next, he inquired about all the major current and past West Indian cricket stars. When I told him that all the retired legends were directors and are assigned as consultants to the assorted teams of the sub-region in this tournament, he forgot he was doing the government's work. Since I was in transit, it did not matter. He ended by saying: 'Oh what I would give to be there in that pretty island among all the West Indian greats, rubbing shoulders and enjoying the many form of the game. I promised to mention our meeting in my first article--minus his name, of course--for inescapable reasons.

Antigua, like India, is a cricket-mad country. The fans in both nations live, sleep and eat cricket. There are doctors from India and Pakistan contracted to work in Antiguan hospitals, and also students from both countries attending the two medical colleges on the island: American University of Antigua, and University of health Sciences Antigua. It is no underground that both countries have neighboring animosity. During last year's Stanford cricket finals, judging from the way they were hugging and prancing to the music in the background, I commented on the fact that all countries that engage in wars should send their troops to Antigua to sample its rum punch and cricket. There is no way they could return home to fight anymore.

The 2nd annual Stanford 20/20 tournament opened with showers of colourful fireworks--the starting of much expected excitement--to the theme, "When Night Falls, Cricket Rises." When cricketing icon Sir Vivian Richards declared the 2008 tournament officially open, the noise and chorus of cheers lifted thermometer even higher. For a quick occasion I plan of my friend sitting behind a counter in Heathrow, or hopefully at home watching it on cable T.V.

The first valid game did not get underway. Through default, St. Martin received a bye. So, the first live game was last Saturday 26th January. Prior to its commencement, which I missed unfortunately, a high intensity opening spectacular greeted the fans before St. Lucia defeated the Cayman Islands by 46 runs.

Sunday 27th January saw a well-rounded Dominica team make light work of the B.V.I. Dominica batted first and posted a decent 139 runs in their innings. Dominica's captain, Liam Sebastian, introduced a disciplined off-spinning spell which saw 5 B.V.I wickets falling for 20 runs, ensuring his side's entry in the report books. They ended up bowling out B.V.I for the lowest total in Stanford 2020 two-year tournament history, a mere 73 runs.

The Stanford 20/20 Tournament is a singular elimination knockout cricket competition featuring 20 teams from some Caribbean territories--all vying for the top spot. The top prize for a winner-take-all-team is U.S,000,000.00, which only one team will take home on March 20th 2008. In increasing to standing room only nightly packed audiences, the players, and their cricket boards receive about another U.S million dollars for individual achievements and players' improvement purposes. The competition, played in a land known for its over exuberant male and female fans, is also home to many cricket legends and cricket world records as well. In fact, the West Indian Cricket Hall of Fame building is in the V.I.P stands "Sticky Wicket." The competition is fierce.

This 2020 tournament takes its name from its visionary Sir Allen Stanford, Texan born billionaire, now Antigua/Barbudan citizen. This tournament follows on the heels of last year's inaugural tournament, which took place in July/August 2006. Guyana took the winner-take-all top prize of U.S$ 1,000,000.00.

It is inescapable that the transplanted Antiguan, Sir Allen has caught the cricketing fever. Like a true West Indian fan, he must moan at nights when the national team loses internationally. In an attempt to have the previous World Champions return to their glory days, he is putting his mouth where his money is. Let us hope that U.S,000,000 worth of U.S dough will contain sufficient yeast to make the Caribbean side rise again.

Montserrat Demolished Turks and Caicos!

Tuesday 29 January 2008 -

Montserrat bowled first and by the end of their bowling spell, they already surpassed Dominica's Sunday record. They routed new-comers Turks and Caicos Islands for a measly 67 runs. Montserrat posted a quick 70 for one wicket in 7.3 overs in reply to the modest total of 67 for 9 posted Turks and Caicos in their allotted 20 overs. The win by 9 wickets moved Montserrat into the final 16. Impressive-looking previous West Indies Under-19 fast bowler Lionel Baker was the main wrecker against Turks and Caicos, with bowling figures of four overs for eight runs. He earned the Man-of-the-Match prize of Us,000.

First Major Upset:

Usvi"s Scorching Upset of St. Kitts:

Wednesday 30 January 2008-

After a slow and cautious start, St. Kitts patiently plodded on to post a respectable total of 130 at the end of their 20 overs' match against U.S. V.I Nervously responding, U.S. V.I offered a return catch off the first ball; any way the fielder refused the early gift. After two overs, the score snailed to 6 runs for 2 wickets. Captain Sherville Huggins knock of 43, together with aggressive hitting by brothers Junie and Hamish Anthony, guaranteed the United States Virgin Islands (Usvi) an upset four-wicket win over St. Kitts.

It was by no means an easy walk over. With three overs to go, Usvi required a run a ball from the last three overs to fetch a victory. When two overs were left, U.S.V.I required 14 runs from 12 balls. With Pappie enticing the crowd in one section, Chickie pumping up the atmosphere with music in the next, Alison Hinds using her well-sculptured body in the absence of a conductor to encourage the musical participation of the audience, the stage was already set for a frantic finish. Suddenly, captain Huggins smashed Jason Saddler for six putting pressure on St. Kitts. Six balls to go and four runs to win: in the final over, Huggins failed to put away the first delivery, leaving the game up for grabs: four runs required from 5 balls. When a fielder slipped and allowed a singular to be turned into four easy runs, the game was over. U.S.B.V.I took all the sugar out of the St. Kitts sugar-city team, handing them the first major upset of the tournament with four balls to spare.

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Mechanic Shortages in Oil Change, Auto Repair, and aid Businesses

--University Of Phoenix of Mechanic Shortages in Oil Change, Auto Repair, and aid Businesses--

her response Mechanic Shortages in Oil Change, Auto Repair, and aid Businesses

Mechanic Shortages? You Bet. Nothing is more serious than Labor issues. In Arizona the incoming Governor is poised to try to train skilled labor and set the bar higher for those jobs, which need filling. Everything from constructions to maintenance. For every 10 mechanics that leave or retire only three enter the market. Thus contribute and inquire is dictating increased wages, but not very much and de facto not as much as expected. Some is offset by low wage payers such as Wal-Mart oil changing technicians on the low end. But the Wyoming Automotive technical compose tells me that there are many high paying jobs waiting for every graduate as a matter of fact they could never fill all the openings across the nation, they would need 10 campuses? perhaps The University of Phoenix or some other technical college may fill the gap, but we need population now. Yes, our company, the Oil turn Guys needs them and so does the rest of the industry.

Mechanic Shortages in Oil Change, Auto Repair, and aid Businesses

The National compose for assistance Excellence has certified 430,000 mechanics so far, but many are already mechanics switching jobs and getting the certificate, same with the Ase program. One bulletin board in the Oil turn commerce is hammering on Wal-Mart for conspiratorially visiting their facilities and leaving "come to work at Wal-Mart" cards colse to the shop, gift benefits, better hours, stock, etc. Quick Lubes are already finding a price war brewing and some will not admit lost market share, but they have lost customers and should probably not blame the oil interval challenge or the cheaper as much and look at the big box store competition.

Training on the low end for technicians to turn oil is fairly easy, but a no-knowledge personel hurts yield time and stands colse to and moves too slow, for at least a week or so, hurting volumes, sales and time to change. Most facilities are partnering skilled with unskilled in a mentoring agenda for one to tow weeks in the beginning, which usually has good results, we suggest a trainee to ride shot gun for one month before taking the truck units or van out by themselves on a scheduled fleet oil turn route. It is serious business because either fixed or mobile, you de facto live or die by efficiency.

The midpoint estimate of cars for the commerce at a fixed factory is 41.1 cars a day based on a eye with plus, minus 10% accuracy done by National Oil News. I guess that sounds about right. However if you have a lube bay with competition down the road and a Super Wal-Mart, things could get a lot worse. We have seen prices as low as .99, but with midpoint cost of goods sold at a Lube factory estimated at .75 to .50 without labor or building where is the profit? There would not be any. So Wal-Mart is hoping for those oil turn customers who spend an midpoint of .22 during their one and one half hour wait to buy stuff in the store even if the midpoint Wal-Mart is charging .99 for the oil turn and making basically $ .50 on the oil turn itself. Ouch.

So what does this say to you, if you have labor, which runs slow or is not trained? It means do not expect high volumes, happy customers and repeats every 3000 miles. With G-4 coming and Jiffy Lube bundling Everything in an 8-Bay factory with even machine overhauls. Where are you going to find labor? You are not, you will have to find nice. Polite, smart and good personality kids and train them yourself and then pay them enough to keep them. How much? You make the call based on your area.

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distance studying Programs: Causes of Popularity and Great Universities

--University Of Phoenix of distance studying Programs: Causes of Popularity and Great Universities--

continue reading this distance studying Programs: Causes of Popularity and Great Universities

Over the years teaching theory has undergone great changes especially in the mode of teaching. Now, to get a good degree and potential study students don't wish attending classes. They can obtain their degrees and study from everywhere in the world. It is now easy for a foreign pupil earning a North American degree without visiting the country. How it possible? distance studying programs do the tricks.

distance studying Programs: Causes of Popularity and Great Universities

Technology, like all other fields, brings a revolution in education. Internet brings out study from the "case of bricks", means joining primary classes is not required for getting potential knowledge. Now potential degrees can be eared from home or coffee shop. In fact, distance study has emerged as a great way to develop one's qualifications.

Why Do distance studying Programs come to be Popular?

Study shows, over the previous years students of distance studying programs has increased at a rate of practically 20%. It clearly shows that distance studying is on the upswing. What is manufacture it more and more popular? Undoubtedly, its advantages and benefits are. Here are they,

Going out for study requires a lot of expenses. Most of the students can not backup the money for their education. But with distance studying one can undoubtedly get degrees while stay at home which save him or her lots of money. Flexibility in study, with an internet relationship it is easy studying from anywhere. Learning becomes easy for those who has to speak busy work routine and can not make time to attend primary classes. No waste of time and money for converyance and communication. Self-paced learning, study at a personal speed and intensity. Great chance for those with physical disability and unable to cope with the classroom based primary learning. Online resources come into use for study which improve the world of students and enrich their knowledge. Helps to be comfortable and stress free with learning.

What Are The Top Universities For distance studying Programs?
There are number of universities contribution distance studying programs. Logically, potential of study of all of them is not same. A lot of fake universities and institutions are there so while choosing one you have to filter them. Checking the authority of the university is the first step of choosing one. Select one that uses all of modern facilities to make studying easier for their students. Nonetheless, here are some of the great online distance studying universities,

University of Phoenix, one of the best online universities, offers degree programs at bachelor, master, and doctoral level, with a balanced mixture of academic theory and practical application. It is fully accredited and ensures potential for its online education. Argosy University, a incommunicable university, is well known for providing flexible but potential online degrees in business, study and psychology. Its online lectures are designed with great concern to the students' practical knowledge. Students can get their online classes either while day or night. Above all, experienced instructors supply students individualized attention through online class session. Capella University offers online degrees in data technology, business, psychology, social health and human services. Its online environment is organized into course-rooms that are built on the Blackboard studying theory software. It faculty is consists of professionals possessing years of teaching experience.

There are great institutions. While choosing one, take great care. Degree from a great online university can enlighten your career while a fake university degree can make your life a hell.

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Monday, September 10, 2012

I Declare! - How Your Words Can change Your Life

For those who are fans of Jane Austin (among other authors of the period) we know how citizen used to live, eat, talk, flirt, fall in love, and so on at that time. It is specially amusing to play with the expressions of that era.

As a living being, the English language is in continual convert and the meaning of the words supervene through. One single expression that you must pay concentration to is: "I declare!"

Among other things "I voice meant": "I'll say!" or "Oh, my!" or "Really?" It also meant that a person was to give their conception of something of importance.

According to Webster, the word "declare" means: to voice positively; to announce or state formally and solemnly; to manifest and make known; to proclaim a option or decision.

To the book of synonyms, to voice means: to acknowledge, to affirm, to announce, to manifest, to proclaim, to predict, to publish, to profess, to state, etc.

Now, you already know that your thoughts and your words are crucial for what you would like your life to be. This is because of the Law of Attraction that 'declares' among other precepts that anything you send out to the universe will come back to you, like a boomerang. You send out distinct and loving thoughts and words and your life will reflect that: you will manifest physically all that which you have sent forth.

The Law of Attraction also 'declares' that anything you focus upon will expand. I will give you an example: suppose you are reading a book in which the heroine is pregnant. The book is intelligent and you think about its story constantly. Why, all of a sudden you will start finding pregnant women everywhere! Coincidence? Not at all! That is the boomerang arrival back to you.

Now, "I declare!" could very well be the most delightful expression that will sure prove to be one of your many allies. Since voice means all those very marvelous incantations, you can say it at any time, really.

You can say it whenever you are wishing for something or are easily mental about things in general. Of course, being distinct is very important. This doesn't mean, however, that it will convert your life immediately, though it is very possible if, and only if you are declaring something without the feeling of lack associated with it, meaning, you truly believe it will happen.

For instance: you may say: "I voice that from now on I will be making 0,000.00 per year." This is very hanky dory if you are not desperately in need of this money. Saying, for instance, "I voice that I will have sushi tonight" when you can't even buy bread doesn't cut, because deep down you know you are in desperate need of food. Unless you truly believe it will happen to you.

Now, saying: "I voice that I believe I will have such and such" sounds very funny because of procedure you don't believe a word you are saying. So now, as practice, say the expression for all all the time. It may be that you will end up believing in it and that is when manifestation will occur.

Go ahead and say it: "I voice that my body is beautiful," "I voice that there is money in my bank account," "I voice that I am loved," etc. When you are mental about anything, just say to yourself: "I declare." And leave it at that.

This is a good game to play at any time. If nothing else, you will have some fun, which "I declare" is very good for you. :)

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Character Formation in Students - 10 Recommendations For Teachers

More than 28 million children have parents who work face the home (U.S. Department of Labor, 1998). Due to the long work hours being demanded of parents, 8 million children are spending more than half of their waking hours in school and under the care and management of teachers in afterschool programs (Afterschool Alliance, 2009). This does not catalogue for the 18 million children that the America After 3pm study found who are left home alone unsupervised until their parents return home from work. As a corollary of these demands, teachers are seeing themselves becoming surrogate parents to the students in their care. With this comes the accountability although by default, to help in not only their general instruction but also their character formation. Character in this context is defined by Webster dictionary as "the involved of mental and ethical traits marking and often individualizing a person, group, or nation."

Aiming to reserve and instill those lessons we previously learned from our elders, we as educators are expensed with molding the next generation. Key character aspects consist of 1) Basic values and morals, 2) Respect for others, 3) Internal drive and motivation, and 4) Selflessness, and society service. Below are several recommendations/strategies for teachers to build character among their students.

1. Highlight character qualities in subjects in books and films during lectures and classroom assignments.

2. Monitors public interactions among students to ensure allowable public etiquette, and respect for self and others are demonstrated.

3. Encourage school attendance and punctuality.

4. Demand that students respect their personal belongings and school property.

5. Ensure that students learn about their public and political place in society straight through current events, debates and classroom assignments.

6. Encourage students to participate in society aid activities such as recycling projects, beach cleanups, donations to underprivileged individuals, blood drives and walk-a- thons.

7. Stress the students the significance of giving rather than receiving especially during the holiday season any natural disasters.

8. Invite speakers from the society to provide motivational speaking and also serve as further safe bet role models.

9. Plan field trips to library, newspapers, and universities to help plant the seed early on in their development.

10. Encourage parental/guardian involvement straight through open house, newsletters and Pta meetings. Parents can help teachers by reiterating values and lessons being taught at school.

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Creating A patrimony In The community And In firm

"History will be kind to me because I intend to write it." ~Unknown

What do you want your patrimony to be? Never thought about it before? Women today are far busier than our grandmothers or even our mothers ever were. From being a mum to wife to pupil to now being an entrepreneur, our patrimony - that which you will leave behind you - is in jeopardy. That fact of the matter is that when it comes to talking about legacy, women hesitate because it seems too self-centered. But I argue that we, as women of today, need to start preparation and designing our own legacy. It is not a matter of self-centeredness, but of creating a roadmap or blueprint for hereafter generations

What is a legacy?

According to Webster's Dictionary, a patrimony is "A gift left in a will or a thing handed down by a predecessor." It can give and be created while you are still alive. It can also be social or underground (we'll talk about this more later). In other words, it is not for the rich only - a very common myth that no one talks about, especially women.

So, what is it that you want to leave behind for those you love when you pass? A patrimony of obesity? A patrimony of drug abuse? Or a patrimony of service to others? I remember my mum once slamming her car into a tree because she fell asleep at the wheel while driving home from her third job. She survived, thankfully, but for many people, this is their life's story and it does not often end with a happy ending. My mum has given me a patrimony of hard work, dedication, tenacity, integrity and the point of education.

Leadership, Purpose and Vision: A roadmap to building your legacy

When it comes right down to it, building a patrimony is about being a leader. Leadership is positive behavior and/or sway on the community and/or family (this is a personal option that can impact your legacy). Therefore, before you can build your legacy, you must know your purpose. How do you know what it is?

First, you must be open to it - listen to other's ideas about what they see you as being good at. For example, if habitancy are always saying to you "Girl, you make the meanest chocolate chip macaroon cookies! You should sell these," they are confirming something the universe has been trying to tell you all along. Women, especially, tend to fend off these compliments by downplaying it: "Oh! This is nothing." Don't do that! You are essentially telling the universe (God, for some) that it/He made a mistake.

Your purpose can also come straight through tragedy: median Girl was created in response to the murder of my cousin (a victim of domestic violence, she left behind 7 children). My writing touch prepared me for this in that I learned how to write and tell a good story as an English major and now teacher of literature and composition. When it came time to put together the editorial article and style of median Girl, I was ready for it. Therefore, your purpose is directly related to what kind of patrimony you want to leave behind for your business or family/community.

More foremost than you could ever imagine is Vision; how do you define it and get others to result it? Tell your story when given the chance; how does it present to your purpose? You will talk about it if you believe in it. Sadly, women tend to second guess their products/services and themselves. For example, I used to tell myself that 'no one would buy my magazine because it didn't look like other magazines on the newsstands and I was "a nobody." No one knew my name and I had no money to bring to the table.' It took years of encouraging self-talk (and the loss of a lot of inherent sales) to downplay that horrible tape playing nearby in my head every time I tried to bring to life my vision.

Your vision must connect or resonate with others. We, as women, share a common bond: being a woman. I use this to speak about and promote median Girl. We may come from separate ethnicities or socioeconomic backgrounds, but we all touch joy, pain and heartache as women. We all have dreams that are sometimes crushed or deferred because of society's pressure to make us conform to its standards of femininity (i.e., housewife, wife, and businesswoman).

You must also have a workable plan - this is where you need to spend a lot of time in improvement once you have hashed out clearly your willingness to be a leader and result your purpose. You can't ask habitancy to result you or to spend in your vision if you have no idea what it is or how it works, looks, smells, taste, etc. As a leader, you are responsible for not only your word and actions, but the well-being of others.

How can networking help to build a legacy?

Networking is about building relationships, so you must go for networking events that you are truly interested in attending and are in line with your business objectives/market. Time is money and once it's gone, you cannot get it back. So, do some explore first before attending any networking events. When you get there, talk to habitancy about their business; ask them how can you be of service to them? Don't just stand in a dark angle and cower or worse, stick to the click. Engage people. Be an active listener as it is not always about you and you only.

Use your gut instinct when choosing habitancy to talk to habitancy at these networking events. Truth be told, some habitancy are just there to make money and will use whomever they can to do it: women are good with their instincts, so listen to your gut. Also understand that you cannot help everyone and everyone cannot help you - that's why referrals are Very foremost to not only your business, but in creating a patrimony - but be meticulous about referring the wrong people. If person has not paid you for your services, do not refer them to another business they could stiff. It will look bad on you, not them. Use those instincts!

Most habitancy forget this vital part of networking: the result up. result up the connections made at these networking meetings with lunch or morning meal or tea just to chat. While there, share your story here if asked to - don't go into a diatribe: keep it short, sweet, easy and to the point. Discuss your products/services (don't second guess their response) - you are building connections. result up this meeting with frequent communications via email or phone. This is naturally confirming connections and building a strong network.

Once habitancy know who you are and what you are about, they will remember you when they hear things "in the wind." For example, when I was an menagerial assistant, I used to tell my co-workers that I was studying to be an English teacher. One of them heard about a teaching job expo and told me about it. I went and was hired on the spot. So began my work in education and ultimately the birth of median Girl Magazine.

Forging business and community Alliances

Work with habitancy who are doing what you are doing, but perhaps with a separate angle. Sponsor an event for a inherent alliance to introduce their business to the community. This shows that you are willing and able to work with others. You can also host an event to introduce your business and your goals for the community. For example, I host a tea party every December for median Girl, but I always donate proceeds from the silent auction to a local woman's charity or non-profit. I announce this on all of the flyers and marketing material - message: not all things is about just my business. Ask some of your local competitors to be your guest.

If you are reasoning about forging an alliance with an organization, explore the business first before preparation to build an alliance. Make an appointment to speak with key persons/decision makers. Before you go, however, prepare an informal plan of operation - again, this is a opening to tell your story. At the meeting, build how you can be of service to them and visa versa (ask questions to build this further). perhaps you could offer services such as, free products, time, space, Pr, etc. Anything you offer, do not let it severely impact your lowest line. This is about building alliances wisely that will advantage both businesses' lowest line in the long run.

Market your business or persons as a community centered entity. Begin to build yourself as having integrity, flexibility and service. Here is where underground vs. Issue exposure comes into play. Anything you Issue to the media, make sure it is what you want released and that all parties mentioned are in agreement. Some things you may not want the social to know because you just wanted to do it (be aware of your motives). Sources of media to Issue information to if you choose to go social include: books, website, articles, social speaking engagements, e-newsletters, social service announcements (Psas). In the end, your credit will moderately begin to build as your alliances come to be solid and fruitful. Remember, habitancy remember good deeds and spread the word - but they also remember bad deeds and spread the word.

How can community involvement add to the lowest line of your business?

It can, but is this your ultimate goal? Getting your business involved in community activities/activism is a move that should be thought about considered. It can bring more loyal customers/clients to your business. The business can grow financially and in size due to exposure increase. Your credit for integrity, loyalty, vision will attract all of the above as well. But beware! habitancy can smell greed and selfishness...and that can ruin more than just your lowest line.

Ultimately, we are here to serve others - if we keep this in focus, your business and/or personal life will prosper for it and your patrimony will be the benchmark for others to emulate and prosper from. Remember! Your gifts/talent = purpose = vision = services = patrimony = connection to God (or Higher Power).

So what do you want your patrimony to be for yourself and your business? Write it down: make it plain, according to scripture. That's the first thing. The rest is up to you.

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Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Law of Nonresistance - The 7th of the Bob Proctor 11 Forgotten Laws

Nonresistance - agreeing to Merriam-Webster the definition for nonresistance is "the system or practice of passive submission to constituted authority even when unjust or oppressive; also: the principle or practice of not resisting violence by force." This definition of nonresistance seems to imply that the Law of Nonresistance would have something to do with loss or pain.

In reality following the Law of Nonresistance results in the opposite of pain. The practice of nonresistance actually empowers us, brings peace of mind, and works together with the other 11 Forgotten Laws to energize the Law of Attraction.

We've heard of using nonresistance of course. Mahatma Gandhi used nonresistance. But it's doubtful that most of us are going to be called on to use the system of nonresistance to free a nation. We do need however, to practice nonresistance in the area of thought and action.

Over and over again when studying the Law of Attraction and the 11 Forgotten Laws, we are reminded that we have to have discipline in watching our thoughts. I think it was Emmett Fox, one of the early teachers of the power of our thoughts, that said if we are told "don't think of an elephant" what's the first thing we think about? An elephant of course. To work with the Law of Nonresistance, we learn to discipline our thoughts. But instead of not thinking of something, we must train our minds towards something.

In our daily life, it seems natural to resist. When person is opposing us in thought or action, our first reaction is to push back, try to win our point, make sure they know we are right. We may win the battle that way, but we seldom win the war and the next battle is on its way. Most of us have experienced what I just described. What we may not know is that the very vigor of resistance sets up the attraction for the next fight.

The clarification is what Emmett Fox calls the Golden Key. To gain victory, see good or God in everything and turn away from all thoughts that are not in harmony with Universal Truths. Learn to rejoinder rather than react. This is actually a very excellent position from which to operate. Instead of siding ourselves with disharmony, the Law of Nonresistance connects us with well-balanced action. Aligning ourselves with harmony we are also aligning ourselves with the same vigor that works with the Law of Attraction.

This is just the tip of the iceberg on the episode on the Law of Nonresistance. Learn more about nonresistance and watch your life begin to flow with harmony and abundance.

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