Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Synchronicity and Marketing - How to growth Your Net Worth

###Synchronicity and Marketing - How to growth Your Net Worth### Advertisements

Synchronicity is "the coincidental occurrence of events that seem related but are not explained by conventional mechanisms". (source:Mirriam Webster's Tenth Edition) It has come to mean so much more now, especially in spirituality. Synchronicity is pure magic when it happens. Or perhaps it would be more definite to say when you observation it's happening.

Webster University

For many years now I have been seeking spiritual answers, and have read and studied many different forms of spirituality. As anything will tell you, they all have the same basic messages. One message you hear repeatedly is "There are no coincidences." This is an aspect of synchronicity, when seemingly random incidents come together to lead you send in your own personal evolution.

I was recently reminded of this principle. person mentioned the book "The Secret" to me, and I was anxious to read it. A few days later a copy appeared in the mail, sent to me by a friend. This led to many other provocative and helpful "coincidences", all stemming from that first casual mention of the book.

While reading the book, all the other bits and pieces from all the spiritual books I had read over the years seemed to coalesce in my mind, supporting and addition on the system in The Secret.

One of the major aspects is that we generate our own reality, or in other words, our notable thoughts generate our life experience. On a smaller, but no less astonishing scale, we think of person we haven't conception of for a while, and the phone rings and there they are. On a larger scale, if our thoughts are predominately negative, our lives reflect those thoughts. The universe gives you what you want.

The trick here is to generate consciously. Awareness is everything. Yesterday I took a walk by the harbour to clear my head and see if the universe had any messages for me. I began to observation birds of all kinds following me, or so it seemed. Gulls, terns, crows, goldfinches, all seemingly walking the same path. Wow, I conception to myself, that has to be a great sign.

And then I tuned in.

And realized I had been reasoning about birds since reading a cute thing by Douglas Adams that morning that said the infer we like birds is because they're called birds. So yes, it was a sign from the universe, in that I conception about birds and birds I got!

Sadly, my conscious intention was to walk by the shore and think myself some wealth and prosperity...instead I got birds.

This is just a cautionary tale. Sometimes there are thoughts running on other levels that are in direct opposition to what we want. As with all things, institution and constant vigilance do help.

Imagine yourself in the life you want and give thanks to the universe for giving you that life. Feel that you already have it. As the White Queen says to Alice: "It's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards." In other words, remember your excellent life in the future.

Once you become aware of the signs the universe sends you, pay concentration and take action! It may not be at all what you expect, but as the Dalai Lama said, "I am open to the guidance of synchronicity, and do not let expectations hinder my path."

My guidance is this: breathe deeply and generate consciously. Pay concentration to the flow of synchronicity and take action. You deserve every good thing this universe has to offer.

Synchronicity and Marketing - How to growth Your Net Worth

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