Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Never Stop studying - Non-Traditional Techniques

Learning: def. - To gain knowledge or a skill; to come to know; to be informed. (Webster's New World Dictionary, Third College Edition)

"It's what you learn after you know it all that counts." In other words, studying should be something we do throughout our lives.  
-- John Wooden, Ucla legendary coach

Continual, constant, quarterly studying is the key to success, good health, happiness, satisfaction.  

"Learning makes a man fit firm for himself."
-- Edward Young, 16th century English poet

Learning results in growth. It keeps us fresh, current and motivated.   It is the impetus that drives development, youth, joy. . .

"The purpose of studying is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as long as we live."
-- Mortimer Alder, 20th century American author

"I am studying all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma."
-- Eartha Kitt, 20th century American actress and singer

Borrow an old phrase "The Joy of" and add "Learning."  You now have the "The Joy Learning." You should strive to be a leech all the time moving as much knowledge and information as life permits. Strive to be soaked and saturated at all times. Never stop in with your quest for learning. To stop studying would be akin to stop living.

"Who o neglects learning, loses the past and is dead for the future."
-- Euripides, aged Greek poet and playwright

So never, never stop learning! There are limitless sources of knowledge and avenues for learning

"It is wise to get knowledge and studying from every source - from a sot, a pot, a fool, a winter-mitten or an old slipper".
-- Francois Rabelais, 14th century French humorist and satirist

So seek avenues for learning, all the time with vigor. Never miss an chance to learn.

"Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ado and attended to with diligence. "
-Abigail Adams, previous First Lady and wife of President John Adams

Here are a few sources or avenues for studying you may have not understanding of in the former sense of learning.

"Learning how to learn is life's most important skill." - Unknown source

Internet. The internet and the millions of sources in it (websites, blogs, forums, etc.,) are studying avenues unavailable a few short years ago. There are the former studying sources like encyclopedias, newspapers, magazines, etc. The volume and easy assemblage abounds. And you have unlimited, 24/7 access. 

Then there are newer avenues to studying such as blogs. You can learn what is on other's minds, their life experiences and adversities, etc. Millions open themselves and thoughts to others. This is knowledge and information that was unobtainable before the internet. Granted it is not all the time literal, and not all the time truthful, but it gives you insights into others and their thoughts and views, etc.

"Learn everything you can, anytime you can, from whatever you can - there will all the time come a time when you will be grateful you did. "
-- Sarah Caldwell, 20th century American opera conductor

On-line Universities, Training Tools, Webinars.  New studying avenues are now ready for educating oneself. Many educational institutions, organizations offer former instruction on-line. Some offer webinars (short on-line seminars and courses, often offered at no-charge.)  They are also ready the topic you would desire.   

"I never teach my pupils, I only exertion to provide the conditions in which they can learn."
-- Albert Einstein, Noble Prize winning physicist 

Cable Tv. Cable and the linked technology have opened a plurality of doors for learning. The day of 3 or 4 channels has longed passed. Cable today offers hundreds of stations. These stations are the avenues to knowledge to learning. With former broadcasting, 24 hour news stations and educational stations,  learning opportunities abound.

"You learn something everyday if you pay attention."
-- Ray LeBlond, noted 20th century spiritualist

Dvd's etc. The studying ready from Dvd's and on-line video sources reaches into the millions.  Just a few short years ago, this avenue did not exist. We may not think of this as learning, but it is!


"This is what studying is. You suddenly understand something you've understood all your life, but in a new way."
-- Doris Lessing, Noble Prize winning author

Networks, Groups. One of the many sources of studying is other people. Relish the chance to learn from others. Network to meet people. Network at work. Join groups of all kinds. Be proactive. Seek population and learn from them. Young, old and in between, it doesn't matter. Most want to share their knowledge and experiences. Work your networks. 

Further, don't forget to apply internet public networking. It is for everybody.

"If you have the knowledge, let others light their candles at it." - Thomas Fuller, 16th century English clergyman

Mentoring. Be a mentor. Be a mentee. Be both. The benefits from both are endless. Mentoring is a connection which gives population the chance to share their professional and personal skills and life experiences. Both the mentor and the mentee will grow and manufacture in the process. There are no basic skills required to mentor. The mentor merely uses his knowledge gained straight through experiences to teach, coach, advise, guide, encourage, promote, etc., another.   It can be done face-to face or it can be done remotely e.g., via the internet or by telephone. 

We all act as mentors and are mentees. Every time we offer guidance we are mentoring; each time we receive guidance we are the mentee. This process occurs throughout our life; it is part of the learning, part of self-development.  

The benefits of a mentoring connection are innumerable. For the mentee, priceless advice, direction, question solving, coaching, etc., is received. Mentees can gain perspective from the mentor's experiences that otherwise may have taken years for the mentee to gain straight through their own experiences.

 On the other hand, the mentor not only receives the pleasure of helping others, but has the chance to learn from others too. Mentors and mentee should both be a leech soaking up knowledge, perspective, and experiences from each other.

"Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen and a push in the right direction."
-- John Crosby, 20th century American musician
Volunteer. Volunteering opens many avenues for learning. You can meet new people. Learn new skills. The possibilities for studying are endless.

"Only a life lived for others is worth living."
-- Albert Einstein, Noble Prize winning physicist 

Learning is critical. Never, never stop.   Make your life. It brings out the best.

"Live as if your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."
- Mahatma Gandhi, pre-eminent 20th century political and spiritual leader                                                

Look for studying opportunities. Incorporate studying into your life. Seek avenues to try new things. Utilize the internet. Prevail yourself of the educational opportunities ready on cable and video. Join groups. Network within your firm and within your society in both public and professional groups. Enter into mentoring relationships. Volunteer. These are just some the avenues ready to learn, learn, learn.

"The wisest mind has something to learn."

George Santayana, 20th century philosopher

"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow."

-- Albert Einstein, Noble Prize winning physicist  

such a good point Never Stop studying - Non-Traditional Techniques such a good point

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