Webster's Dictionary defines goal \.2 as the end toward which endeavor is directed.
Do you have goal(s) in your life? Have you reduced your goal(s) to writing? Studies have been done by respected universities which
indicate 90% of us never set goals; of the 10% who do, only 3% beyond doubt write them down. This latter group consists of some the most successful people in all fields of endeavor.
Goal Setting requires first of all specificity. In other words "to be a success" is not a valid goal. Rather goals should sound like this: "By 2010,
I will have my own Carvel Franchise in Brooklyn's Bensonhurst Section" or perhaps: "By next year this time I will have completed my first novel and submitted the manuscript to 10 publishers."
Goals need allowable maintenance, small adjustments that build on the main goal.
Immediately and audaciously begin to take action. Refine your goal(s) more and more. Post optical images of your goal in prominent locations, like your bathroom mirror, your pillow, refrigerator, your work area, your car, your brief case, and any where else you might usually eye it.
Write down the benefits of achieving your goal: I will be happier, healthier, wealthier, etc. When I achieve 'your single goal.' Act as if you have achieved your goal and are just filling in the details of how you got there. Keep a smile on your face. reward yourself for each certain step you take, and don't beat your self up over miscues/minor failures. They are a part of the 'rungs of the ladder' that lead you to the top.
Consider every obstacle you might encounter, along the way. compose strategies for handling each circumstance. common obstacles you are likely to confront are naysayers, lack of capital, small failures, digressions, competition, poor time management, etc. Know beforehand how you will overcome any obstacle that comes your way.
Gain as much knowledge as you can about your goal. If your goal is to be an Indy Car Driver, learn every detail about the car, the track and the competition. If your goal is to be a sports agent learn every detail about your competitors (fees they charge, who their clients are, what their shtick is, where they hang out, when and how they advent clients).
Develop maintain groups/mentors, who can provide you honest advice and counsel, help you overcome obstacles and keep you motivated.
Construct a plan of action, and meticulously work the plan. A popular adage says: "People don't plan to fail, they fail to plan." One common error is, mistaking action for accomplishment.
Be committed. To paraphrase W. H. Macy, don't be committed like a kamikaze pilot on his 12th mission.
Seek and seize opportunity. The mass of men call this luck; they believe success is serendipitous. As Zig Ziglar says: "Arise each morning when the 'opportunity clock' sounds" and greet God boldly with the words: "Lord we are going to have a great day." Who could be a great partner than the Lord?
Remember you have the same amount of hours in a day as any doctor, lawyer, entrepreneur, or for that matter, your median billionaire like Bill Gates. Use those hours wisely, "Age quod agis" - "do what you are doing," all the time remaining focused. Understand you aren't development sacrifices by giving up some habits and activities you enjoy, but rather that you are now investing your time and talent in yourself instead.
Don't sit nearby waiting for things to happen. Make them happen. Ed McMahon isn't going to knock on your door. If you want to succeed you must promenade without hesitation. Until you are truly committed and begin the journey to success, there is a good chance you may draw back. Don't! Move forward and "seize the day."
If you would like more facts or personal aid on setting and achieving goals perceive Ann Marie or Al Parisi at lunchbagnotes.net [http://www.lunchbagnotes.net/].
at Yahoo Secrets of Setting Goals and Stategies for Achieving Them at Yahoo
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